The VLTJ (Vemb-Lemvig-Thyborřn Jernbane) operates 2 ex-DSB NoHAB-GM locos:
VLTJ MX 26 (Torfisken): ex MX 1025 OSJS MX 41 (Kong Hother): ex MX 1023 (leased from OSJS)
Gallery was founded on 12th June 2001.
Click on the image to enlarge.
NEW! 1024x768,
110334 bytes. VLTJ MX 26 "Tørfisken" + ØSJS MX41 "Kong Hother" + PBS MY 1110 with a freighttrain at Holstebro. Picture was taken in May 1999 by Bjarne Werther. Also available in smaller size: 800x600, 71636
bytes. |